Elo for Employees

A world of control and convenience.
For a world of difference.

Elo for Employees was
developed precisely for your relocating employees.

To relieve their anxiety, offer support, instill confidence, and transform the move experience from stressful to super.

In our deep research among relocating employees around the world, we’ve heard and seen the need to bring all the key players — suppliers, move counselors, employers — close together. And with Elo for Employees, it’s delivered with high-touch care and high-tech ease.

Command, control, and care.

This groundbreaking solution from Plus Relocation is built on the robust Salesforce platform, and puts every employee in control of the process — creating a single, secure, cloud-based connection to every part, person, and supplier involved in their move.

Full relocation 
team info

To-do lists, appointments, showings & all tasks in one place

Easy expense submissions & approvals tracking

Centralized move documents, agreements, letters & more

New location information, online resources & checklists

This is complete visibility into everything that’s happening. This is disparate pieces and parts unified in one place of control and convenience. This is Elo for Employees.

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